All about code - A smart coder is preferred over a hard-working one
Mental Algo to write a program
- There are many ways to write a program. Self try helps in knowing which all does not work and finally arrive at the one that works. That process is itself a great learning. So to program, try on my own and find out all the possibilities and non-possibilities
- Focusing on logic build-up over learning different programming language syntaxes. Choose a language, I chose Java and then cover more and more unique problem. This will help in logic buildup and broadening the spectrum. Logic being the base and can be expected to be common across languages, so so start with that
- Then pick up effective, useful languages. Use my judgement. I choose, Java now, be ready for python, brush up syntax and unique things in python, specific languages depending on demand, job, need, situation, context, JavaScript,.... Now I chose Java as it is used broadly in Automation
- Code daily. This is my routine else the logic building will weaken
- Take up a program and find all the possible ways to solve it. Though knowing many languages is needed, but now I choose to start with logic building
- <Comments from above till here made on date: 13-Dec-20 as applicable on that date and subject to needful, meaningful, effective change>
- I am starting to learn by watching lessons with explanations with video. That works well for me. Thereafter I will switch to whatever available in whatever form even without explanation or in textual mode
Binary Search:
Bubble Sort:
Increment and decrement operations:
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